Davide Coero Borga, Toymaker’s science

CoeroBorga_giocattolaioToymaker’s science is a plunge into the history of entire generations of children, in rediscovery of the fun and most used toys of the Twentieth Century, some of which were capable of influencing the decisions of well-known scientists, others which have become real icons. A small dictionary of the scientific toy, made up of short entries, illustrated by catchy graphics and a rich iconography. And most of all shovelfuls of curiosities: how many engineers are there among Meccano designers? Did you know that pieces of Lego are used to simulate the movement of robots on Mars? And that in the Fifties a “deluxe” version of the
Little Chemist contained four different types of uranium?

Davide Coero Borga works with foundations and museums to create new languages with which to speak about science, technology and the environment. Together with Federico Taddia and Silvia Bencivelli, he conducts “Nautilus”, a programme broadcast on Rai Scuola.


Illustrated book, full color
Subject: Popular Science
Pages: 224
Original title: La scienza dal giocattolaio (2012)

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